3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

6 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

Bogotá Nocturna
3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

Caño Cristales
0 ToursDe la Serranía de la Macarena bajan varias corrientes de agua como caño Indio, caño Yarumales, y caño Canoas, pero sólo Caño Cristales, el río de los cinco colores, ha sido llamado «el más hermoso del mundo». Incluso, fue llamado «el río que se escapó del paraíso», por Andrés Hurtado, un caminante colombiano que ha dado

Cartagena de Indias
1 TourCartagena es una ciudad que está ubicada a orillas del Mar Caribe, en la zona noroccidental del continente suramericano. En Colombia, se encuentra al norte del país, y es la capital de la región de Bolívar. ‘La Ciudad Heroica’ contempla a su alrededor varios archipiélagos e islas que son paraísos para un verdadero descanso. Aparte

Eje Cafetero
3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

0 ToursPiscilago, Turismo en Melgar Colombia posee diversas ciudades con altos niveles de turismo, entre las que se encuentra Melgar; ubicada al suroccidente de Bogotá, capital de éste país. Piscilago En Melgar se pueden encontrar diversos hoteles ubicados en lo largo y ancho de éste lugar, los cuales se adaptan de la mejor manera posible al

3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

San Andrés
0 ToursSAN ANDRES A 700 kilómetros de la costa continental colombiana se encuentra la isla de San Andrés, un pequeño paraíso en el que las influencias de ingleses, españoles, piratas y corsarios se mezclaron para dar como resultado una cultura rica que se mueve al son del reggae. Es un destino perfecto para disfrutar de la

San Andrés Islas
3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not

3 ToursHistory Ancient history and settlement. Main article: History of the Maldives § Early Age. The first Maldivians did not leave any archaeological artifacts. Their buildings were probably built of wood, palm fronds and other perishable materials, which would have quickly decayed in the salt and wind of the tropical climate. Moreover, chiefs or headmen did not